
User Guide

Duke is a simple application that helps you keep track of your tasks. :D


This application handles 4 types of tasks:

Type Description
Todo Any regular task without time constraints
Deadline A task to be done by a certain date / time
Event A task that happens at a certain date / time
FixedDuration A task to be completed within a fixed duration


Ui of duke

Interact with duke by typing commands into the text box!

Press Enter or Click the ‘Send’ button to run each command.



todo - adds a todo task


todo [description]

Example of usage:

todo clean storeroom

Outcome: the following message will be shown

Got it, I've added this task:
[T][x] clean storeroom
Now you have 1 task(s) in the list.

deadline - adds a deadline task


deadline [description] /by [when]

Example of usage:

deadline submit assignment /by today 10pm

Outcome: the following message will be shown

Got it, I've added this task:
[D][x] submit assignment (by: today 10pm)
Now you have 2 task(s) in the list.

event - adds an event


event [description] /at [when]

Example of usage:

event dinner with friends /at Sunday 

Outcome: the following message will be shown

Got it, I've added this task:
[E][x] dinner with friends (at: Sunday)
Now you have 3 task(s) in the list.

fixed - adds a fixed duration task


fixed [description] /duration [how long]

Example of usage:

fixed piano practice /duration 1.5 hours

Outcome: the following message will be shown

Got it, I've added this task:
[F][x] piano practice (duration: 1.5 hours)
Now you have 4 task(s) in the list.

list - displays all tasks



Outcome: the tasks will be shown

1: [T][x] clean storeroom
2: [D][x] submit assignment (by: today 10pm)
3: [E][x] dinner with friends (at: Sunday)
4: [F][x] piano practice (duration: 1.5 hours)

find - searches for tasks that contains a keyword


find [keyword]

Example of usage:

find dinner

Outcome: tasks containing the keyword will be shown

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
    1: [E][x] dinner with friends (at: Sunday)

done - marks a task as done


done [task index]

Example of usage:

done 1

Outcome: specified task is marked as done

Awesome! I've marked this task as done:
[T][v] clean storeroom

delete - deletes a task


delete [task index]

Example of usage:

delete 3

Outcome: specified task is deleted

Noted, I've removed this task:
[E][x] dinner with friends (at: Sunday)
Now you have 3 task(s) in the list. 

bye - saves the data and closes the application



Outcome: the application will automatically close after a short delay.

Goodbye! Hope to hear from you soon :)